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  • Morgan Poole

Get to know Morgan Ashley Poole | 10 FUN FACTS

Updated: May 1, 2023

Hey, #PooleParty! Welcome to my official website-woohoo! For my first post, I wanted to take the time to share some unique facts about myself. A lot has changed since I uploaded this "Hilarious Get to Know Me" video to my YouTube channel in 2017.

Here's a little refresher:

Good times, good times!

Let's fast forward to 2023.

Where are you from?

Many of you know I am from the honeymoon capital of the world, Niagara Falls, NY! But did you know these fun facts? According to Niagara Falls USA, Niagara Falls State Park is the oldest state park in America, and 3,160 tons of water flows over Niagara Falls every second.

And to catch you up to speed, In January 2020, I moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Making this leap was quite an adventure. Two months after moving nearly 400 miles from home, COVID emerged and altered our world. I'll save this story for another time!

2. Which college did you attend and what was your major?

From 2015-2019, I attended the #8 public HBCU in the country, Delaware State University, and graduated with a 4.0 GPA. GO HORNETS! Most people aren't aware that I enrolled as a Computer Science Major but quickly switched to Mass Communications upon learning what computer science entails. Hint: Loads of math which I am not a big fan of, lol!

I can honestly say that majoring in Mass Communications and attending DSU was an incredible experience. I was able to meet so many inspiring students, make a positive impact around campus, and be afforded once-in-a-lifetime opportunities like managing the University's social media profiles and starring in a commercial broadcasted on ESPN U, becoming a solo host for our closed-circuit television station DESU-TV (formally WDSU-TV), being featured in two magazines, and interning for Barclays, CBS Interactive and Entertainment Tonight through the HBCU in LA Program.

For any college student who stumbles upon this post, the most valuable piece of advice I would like to share is to "never stop learning!" It sounds so cliche, but don't limit your knowledge to the information presented to you in the classroom. Make the campus your compass and explore all the possibilities and opportunities you can. Also, use when making class schedules. No explanation is needed. Just thank me later!

3. What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up?

I've always had a passion for singing and songwriting! I still do. One of the first songs I wrote was called "Dream Chasing." I swear it could've been a Disney Channel hit! I even had the chance to perform the song at a local talent show called "Niagara's Rising Star" in 2012, and I had backup dancers and everything. Beyoncé would have been so proud.

And, of course, I've saved a copy of the flier.

Writing songs for artists or catchy jingles for brands would be cool. Who knows what the future holds? It's a possible side hustle in the making.

4. Are you named after anyone?

To my knowledge, no. However, my parents were so close to naming me Jazmine Lee. To make a long story short, my parents met at a jazz club, and my grandmother's middle name is Lee. The idea was so cute, but I do love Morgan Ashley Poole. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

They're so precious!

5. What is your guilty pleasure?

More like addiction, but it's two words:

#1 Seafood

#2 Boil

6. How do you like to spend your free time?

  • Taking myself on dates

  • Going on dates with my awesome boyfriend

  • Trying new restaurants and food

  • Spending quality time with family and friends

  • Exploring local events and fun activities

  • Giving back

7. Where is the coolest place you've traveled?

The Bahamas for a family cruise! The vibes were immaculate, the food was spectacular, and I didn't have to spend a dime-haha! Thanks again, Mom and Dad.

8. Favorite clothing brand?

"On Sale" and "Clearance". While these aren't brands, they bring joy to my heart whenever I see signs and tags at the mall. LOL.

9. A quote(s) that you love

Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. (Phil 4:6)

What are you most proud of?

By far, I am most proud of the ways I've been able to use my gifts to contribute to this world. Whether it's uploading another witty YouTube video to make a stranger smile, creating a website to encourage other creators to establish spaces where they can be their authentic selves, or connecting with other impactful individuals, companies, and brands, it's rewarding to know that my purpose boils down to one objective- spreading positivity in multiple realms.

Thanks for coming along on this incredible journey!

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